LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism’s founder Jan Engels-Smith reads her explanatory article about the True Self. What is the True Self? How do individuals get disconnected from their True Self, and how individuals get reconnected to their True Self. Jan then takes the listener on an interactive, relaxing, guided imagery meditation. Jan incorporates shamanic healing principals, and energy medicine techniques to promote divine connection, and self love within the listener. The results are profound, fulfilling and loving.
Jan Engels-Smith teaches and informs listeners of the philosophy and core understanding of the True Self
Jan also supplies listeners with other articles to read as supplemental material.
Jan Engels-Smith invites listeners to attend Through The Rabbit Hold: Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey a class being taught October 20-23, 2017
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism’s founder Jan Engels-Smith guides the listener on an interactive, relaxing, guided imagery prayer. This prayer promotes appreciation, reference, gratitude, and raises the vibration of the listener. It heals through words, the Words Before All Else. Jan incorporates shamanic healing principals, and energy medicine techniques to promote divine connection, and self love within the listener. The results are profound, fulfilling and loving.
Thanksgiving address: a version, adapted from our indigenous forefathers, the prayer given by Chief Jake Swamp and wilderness awareness school. Put poetically together by Deb Scrivens, former associate teacher at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine.
Jan also supplies listeners with other articles to read as supplemental material.
Jan Engels-Smith invites listeners to attend Through The Rabbit Hold: Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey a class being taught January 13-14, 2018
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism’s founder Jan Engels-Smith joins with three other practitioners and leads an in depth discussion on the power of soul retrieval and the amazing healing potential that it holds.
This pod cast is the 2nd in a 2 part series that teaches, informs and gives riveting examples of case studies that explain the power of Soul Retrieval an ancient and potent shamanic healing ceremony. Jan Engels-Smith also reveals the results that can be obtained from this style of healing. Topics include lifetimes, karma, curses, vows, death processes, living in multiple dimensions at the same time.
Jan Engels-Smith teaches and informs listeners of the philosophy and core understanding of illness from a shamanic perspective. That illness is perceived as an energetic issue in shamanism and there are powerful rituals that can alter energetic patterns in the body to support healing in profound ways.
Jan also supplies listeners with other articles to read as supplemental material.
Jan Engels-Smith invites listeners to attend Through The Rabbit Hold: Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey a class being taught October 20-23, 2017
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism’s founder Jan Engels-Smith joins with three other practitioners and leads an in depth discussion on the power of soul retrieval and the amazing healing potential that it holds.
This pod cast is the 1st in a 2 part series that teaches, informs and gives riveting examples of case studies that explain the power of Soul Retrieval an ancient and potent shamanic healing ceremony. Jan Engels-Smith also reveals the results that can be obtained from this style of healing.
Jan Engels-Smith teaches and informs listeners of the philosophy and core understanding of illness from a shamanic perspective. That illness is perceived as an energetic issue in shamanism and there are powerful rituals that can alter energetic patterns in the body to support healing in profound ways.
Jan also supplies listeners with other articles to read as supplemental material.
Jan Engels-Smith invites listeners to attend Through The Rabbit Hold: Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey a class being taught October 20-23, 2017
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
This is the Heart Meditation. LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism’s founder Jan Engels-Smith leads listeners through this heart meditation.
This pod cast concentrates on the quantum healing that takes place when people are realigned from a fear based, anxiety provoking, fight or flight experience to that of the heart, safety, well being and super human potentials.
Jan Engels-Smith suggests before any type of meditation that the listener sets a personal intention. Such as, that any toxin’s in his or her body will be dissolved and flushed away, any illness will begin to dissolve and disappear, any part of the body that needs repair that regeneration takes place.
Jan also supplies listeners with other articles to read as supplemental material.
Jan Engels-Smith invites listeners to attend Through The Rabbit Hold: Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey a class being taught October 20-23, 2017
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
This is the 4th broadcast in a series of shamanic practices that were discussed at the annual practicum that LightSong conducts. These are the teachings of LightSong’s 31st practicum 2017. In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith reviews the three previous pod casts on this subject and then discusses in detail the concept of beliefs.
This pod cast concentrates on the programmability of humans and how these programs are carried in the chakra system which is where beliefs are stored in the human body. How beliefs are often blind beliefs and until people understand and discover what they actually believes these beliefs will determine what a person manifests and how they will view the world.
Jan Engels-Smith also discusses this with three other practitioners and teachers at LightSong. Each person contributes riveting stories and examples from experiences they have had with working with clients.
Jan also supplies listeners with other articles to read as supplemental material.
Jan Engels-Smith invites listeners to attend Through The Rabbit Hold: Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey a class being taught October 20-23, 2017
An emphasis on FEELINGS, BELIEFS and MANIFESTATION is discussed which all relate back to current quantum physics experiments.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
This is the 3rd broadcast in a series of shamanic practices that were discussed at the annual practicum that LightSong conducts. These are the teachings of LightSong’s 31st practicum 2017. In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith reviews Pod Casts 1 and 2 of the practicum 2017.
This pod cast concentrates on the programmability quality of water. How much a human body is composed of water and how through energy medicine approaches you can then program the water inside of you for health. Wear your high frequency words, products of LightSong.
Jan Engels-Smith also discusses the power of blessing.
This leads to the discussion of the power of beliefs and how they form our human reality both individual reality as well as the collective reality.
Jan also supplies listeners with other articles to read as supplemental material.
An emphasis on FEELINGS, BELIEFS and MANIFESTATION is discussed which all relate back to the quantum physics experiments.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
This is the 2nd broadcast in a series of shamanic practices that were discussed at the annual practicum that LightSong conducts. These are the teachings of LightSong’s 31st practicum 2017. In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith describes the quantum physics experiments that qualify what shamanism has believed for centuries. Jan discusses the experiments and leads readers to articles that she has written on the topic. Choosing Happiness in Difficult Times is an article that was written several years ago and is discussed in detail. Jan also supplies listeners with other articles to read as supplemental material.
An emphasis on FEELINGS, BELIEFS and MANIFESTATION is discussed which all relate back to the quantum physics experiments.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
This begins a 6 week series of shamanic practices that were discussed at the annual practicum that LightSong conducts. In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith describes what the Telepathic Communication Workshop, which is commonly called practicum, is all about. Jan also begins a series of teachings that came through from spirit that is transformative, healing, and profound. This podcast includes a heart meditation at the end to assist those that need to slow the mind, relax and to heal. The meditation will help individuals move into a greater version of themselves and for their body to respond by producing the hormones that bring peace.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
Sioux teaches classes upon request. If you are interested in learning Animal healing, Transition ceremonies for animals, or Reiki and how it applies to animal healing please email Sioux directly.
In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith talks with Sioux Strong Shamanic Practitioner and Reiki Animal trainer about her journey with shamanism, animal training and Reiki. Sioux is an exceptional animal trainer and also assists animals in their transition. She works with ceremony and shamanic techniques. Sioux explains how ceremonies are modified to fit the individual needs for the animal and encourages listeners to work with their pets.
Jan Engels-Smith and Sioux dialogue about Sioux’s fascinating shamanic cases working with animals and Reiki healing with animals. Much of this information is imbedded and contained in LightSong classes.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith talks with Pamela Rico LMP, Licensed Master Practitioner and Shamanic teacher for LightSong about her journey with shamanism. Pamela was brought to shamanism and Jan because of a curse cast onto her in Africa. Listen to her amazing journey of healing and exceptional growth as Pamela and Jan navigate through the spirit world to clear this curse and a possession that was also part of the equation.
Jan Engels-Smith and Pamela dialogue about Pamela’s fascinating shamanic case: shamanic teachings are discussed and highlighted. Healing perspectives are discussed that shine light on what to do in adverse situations. Much of this information is imbedded and contained in LightSong classes.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Talking Stick Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith talks with Stanley Chagala about ritual and ceremony. Jan Engels-Smith and Stanley Chagala dialogue about Chagala’s beliefs, ritual and ceremony from his native Kenya. Chagala tells the story of what brought him to study and become a Chaplin. Chagala also shares about his tribal life in Kenya, the way his tribe views life, existence, ceremony, ritual and energy medicine. Shamanism is part of their culture. Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith talks with Colleen Benelli of Reiki Life Style about her journey with shamanism and Reiki.
Jan Engels-Smith and Colleen Benelli dialogue about fascinating shamanic case studies: angelic (humans) beings, other worldly beings, energetic expressions of allergies, autism, chronic illnesses are all discussed with a new twist of possibilities explored and explained.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Talking Stick Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith talks with Renee Mitchell about her journey to shamanism and how that progressed.
Jan Engels-Smith and Renee Mitchell dialogue about Renee’s initial shamanic soul retrieval and the profound changes that took place for her. Renee tells about her Vision Quest and developing an amazing relationship with the faery realm and then her experience with shamanic journeying in these different faery dimensions.
Jan and Renee also discuss the magnificence of the Angelic Realms. Renee is a hospice nurse and talks about the importance of listening to patience AFTER they die. Renee’s involvement with shamanism and LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism changed her life in amazing ways.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Talking Stick Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith talks with Renee Mitchell about her journey to shamanism and how that progressed.
Jan Engels-Smith and Renee Mitchell dialogue about Renee’s initial shamanic soul retrieval and the profound changes that took place for her. Renee tells about her Vision Quest and developing an amazing relationship with the faery realm and then her experience with shamanic journeying in these different faery dimensions.
Jan and Renee also discuss the magnificence of the Angelic Realms. Renee is a hospice nurse and talks about the importance of listening to patience AFTER they die. Renee’s involvement with shamanism and LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism changed her life in amazing ways.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Talking Stick Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith talks with Terri Daniel the founder of the Afterlife Conference.
Jan Engels-Smith and Terri Daniel have a stimulating dialogue about the process of dying, and the progression of the soul to the afterlife.
Death and Dying are topics that are studied at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism. Ritual and ceremony are essential practices from a shamanic perspective to bring healing and wellness to those that are grieving and to actually midwife the soul of the one that died to the other side.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine.
Find more information: or email
In this episode of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism Podcast, Jan Engels-Smith talks with Mary Boyd a student at LightSong about her experiences with power animals and how this lead her to shamanism.
Jan Engels-Smith and Mary Boyd dialogue about their incredible physical experiences they have had with their shamanic power animals or spiritual allies and the magic of these amazing beings.
This podcast describes a shamanic perspective of working with nature and how profound interactions with animals are not by accident but part of a mystical and magical relationship.
Mary’s involvement with shamanism and LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism help define and give explanation to the amazing experiences she had.
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
1. How do I keep my energy field positive while my daughter and her family are living with me at this time, does shamanism provide the tools for this?
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email
Learn Shamanism and Shamanic practices at LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. Find more information: or email